Our History



Operation Empower founded

Operation Empower was founded in 2005 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supported the Manasseh House 19-Unit SRO (Single-Room Occupancy) Permanent Housing Project because there was not enough housing for single women. Its board of directors consisted of 5 individuals.


Manasseh House opens

Manasseh House Apartments opened in 2007 to provide housing and offer services to empower single women trying to navigate difficult situations such as domestic violence, poverty, substance abuse, mental health struggles, and under-employment. 


Salvia House is built

In 2010 Salvia House Apartments, an 18-Unit SRO (Single-Room Occupancy) Housing Project was built to serve more women in need. 


Manasseh: The Documentary

This documentary follows the journey of four women on the road to better lives through the help of Mannaseh House in Dubuque, Iowa. Produced by Loras College students Lauren DeWitt ('13) and Jacob Spiekermeier ('12). [Duration: 8:28]


Manasseh House to serve men

The decision was made in 2016 to utilize Manasseh House Apartments for men while continuing to use Salvia House Apartments for women. 

FEB 2022

Liberty Recovery Community opens its doors

In 2022 Liberty Recovery Community opened its doors to offer affordable housing under-girded with recovery services for 24 men and women wanting to overcome substance use. The Liberty Place Apartments are located on the Liberty Recovery Community Campus with close access to the Liberty Recovery & Training Center. All of our units are affordable, clean, safe, and beautifully furnished. Off-street parking is also available.

OCT 12, 2022

The Ribbon Cutting!

On this day, we officially cut the ribbon and opened the doors of Liberty Recovery. This day marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope, healing, and empowerment. We're grateful to everyone who stood by us that day and continues to support our mission. Together, we’re making recovery possible, one step at a time.

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds: "Cutting the ribbon to endless possibilities for more Iowans to get the help they need to overcome their substance use disorders! Liberty Recovery Center will help countless people get on the road to recovery and success!"

JAN 2023

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst visits Operation Empower

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst: "Operation Empower in Dubuque County assists people throughout their recovery from substance abuse. Operation Empower is certainly impacting lives and families every day. Thanks for all you do and for sharing your stories today!"

FEB 2025

Iowa Representative Ashley Hinson visits Operation Empower

Iowa Representative Ashley Hinson: "[On February 3rd] I visited Operation Empower’s Liberty Recovery Center, where I had a great discussion about the impact of their residential recovery housing programs. These programs provide essential services to those with substance abuse issues and are essential in our fight against the drug epidemic that has wreaked havoc across our country. I appreciate the incredible work Operation Empower is doing in the Dubuque community!"